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Why Your Pet Should go to the Vet


According to the CDC, owning a pet can benefit your health in so many ways, from the reduction of stress to decreased blood pressure.

We don’t think twice about getting a regular medical checkup. Why should it be any different for your pet?

This article outlines four reasons why your pet should go to the vet, even when they seem fine.

Hidden Illnesses

Veterinarians are trained to observe animal behavior and identify health problems. The slightest change in behavior should tip you off that something may be wrong. This may take the form of refusing to eat, go on walks or even just being less playful than normal.

While cars have warning lights when there is a problem and humans can speak up or cry. It is a little more difficult when it comes to pets, so many illnesses may go unnoticed until it is too late. Work together with your veterinarian to screen for these hidden ailments.

If your pet gets checked regularly, your veterinarian develops a baseline of normal parameters for your pet as an individual, alerting you to problems that may be developing.

Prevention is Cheaper than Cure

The longer it takes before an illness is discovered, the harder it is to cure it. It requires more time, finances and stress to your pet.

When an illness is finally discovered, it may cost much more to treat. The condition might be so advanced that the animal now requires surgery or hospitalization. Often, the final bill is more than what you would have paid had it been identified early. Such conditions include diabetes, gum disease, renal failure, and urinary infections.

It’s not just about the money. Early intervention of illness or disease is linked to greater comfort and longevity for your pet.

Your vet will also take the opportunity at annual appointments to perform examinations, evaluate new growths, check dental health, and to provide baseline blood and urine screening

Opportunity to Learn About Your Pet

Regular checkups can serve as a way to communicate with the vet about your pet’s progress. At every visit, you’ll learn more about your pet, its habits, and health.

As the vet examines the animal, they will usually query you on various issues. If an illness is discovered, the vet likely tells you what caused it, how to medicate your pet, the types of food to avoid and how to protect your animal from future incidents.

Knowledge in areas like nutrition, exercise, first aid, and hygiene go a long way for your pet’s health. For instance, if your pet has epilepsy, the vet will be able to educate you on what to do and how to manage it.

Armed with this information, you will be able to respond appropriately to the next pet emergency.

Aging Pets Require Regular Attention

Just like you, your pet ages, only faster. According to Animal Health Associates (AHA), cats and dogs age roughly 7 times faster than humans. So, if you think about it, one year is like seven pet years.

As your pet advances in age, they will begin to experience more health complications. Aging pets often experience joint pains, heart conditions and respiratory complications.

Old age can’t be cured, but there are medications to make the complications that come with it manageable. Only a vet can prescribe these medications and they can only do that when they see the animal. For this reason, senior pets may require more regular trips to the vet.

Work Together To Do Better

These are some of the important reasons your pet should go to the vet. Don’t wait until your pet is obviously ill to visit the vet. The more the checkups, the fewer the health complications your pet will have to face.

Routine medical checkups can help your pet to live healthier, happier and longer. Which as you already know, also helps to improve your health. If you haven’t been taking your pet to see a veterinarian, it’s never too late to start. Book an appointment today.