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9 Cat Diseases Easily Prevented with Vaccination and Deworming

9 Cat Diseases Easily Prevented with Vaccination and Deworming

Your feline friend is a furry family member. When it comes to caring for your cat the first step is to keep your cat healthy and prevent any illnesses. If it can keep kitty well, it’s worthy of consideration. Deworming, preventatives and vaccination schedules vary based on your cat’s age, environmental factors, and outdoor exposure. In lieu of vaccines, titers are also a satisfactory screening of protection for your cat.

These 9 common cat diseases are easily prevented with a simple vaccination, deworming and preventatives:

  1. Intestinal Worms

    There are a vast variety of these microscopic parasites. Tackle tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms and whipworms (among others) before they make your cat really sick. They can infect humans as well if they get out of hand. Therefore, adhere closely to your vet’s recommended deworming and fecal testing schedule.

  2. Rabies

    Most commonly transmitted by way of an infected animal bite. Rabies is another cat malady that can threaten humans as well. It is of critical importance you have your cat vaccinated for rabies. If your cat spends any time outdoors, the rabies threat increases dramatically.

  3. Feline Immunodeficiency Disease (FIV)

    This autoimmune disease is sort of the feline equivalent of the HIV humans can get. The cat form is uncommon, and won’t necessarily be fatal. The virus is transmitted cat to cat through deep bite wounds. These usually occur outdoors during aggressive fights and territorial disputes. Thus, the perfect reason to keep your cat inside.

  4. Feline distemper

    The name may throw you off. This virus doesn’t actually affect your cat’s temperament, but it can be fatal.  A common symptom of feline distemper or feline panleukopenia (FPV) is frequent sneezing. It can also affect balance,  and present with runny eyes and runny nose.

  5. Heartworm disease

    The symptoms of this condition are quite similar to those of feline distemper. The infection is spread by mosquitoes so both indoor and outdoor cats can contract it. Beginning your cat on monthly heartworm preventative keeps your feline protected from this deadly illness. Thankfully, cats are far more resistant to heartworms than dogs.

  6. Feline herpesvirus

    Another virus with a rather self-explanatory name. The feline herpesvirus is the cat analog of the human form of herpes. An anti-viral medication and special antibiotics are prescribed in FHV cases.

  7. Feline leukemia

    The common method of transmission is between infected cats. Therefore, feline leukemia is more commonly contracted by outdoor cats. Effective vaccines and testing frequency have reduced the overall number of cases over the past couple of decades.

  8. Calicivirus

    Feline calicivirus is an upper respiratory infection in a cat. Your cat can usually fight this virus without any treatment over the course of 2-3 weeks. Treatment of the disease is difficult and usually involves basic, supportive care.

  9. Fleas

    Fleas can lead to anemia and severe skin infections. And if your cat grooms and ingests an infected flea, this also transmit tapeworms to your cat. A monthly preventative, especially during summer months, will keep fleas off your pet and out of your home.

A healthy cat can live in excess of 20 years old. For most cat owners, a two-decade-long relationship with their cat would be wonderful. Unfortunately, even having done everything under the sun to protect your kitty, sometimes they go too soon.

Be aware of these 9 easily preventable common cat diseases. As a result, you’ll have significantly improved you and your feline’s chances of having a long, sweet time together.  Have questions or want to get vaccines scheduled? Contact us today!